Hi,I am Dilip.I was born and brought up in a typical Indian village.I am really proud of that as I have a very valuable treasure of sweet,funny memories of my village life.Its more than enough to spend the rest of my life happily.Now I have shifted to the city.It's a great pity that here in city children do not get such experiences.
   I am gonna share the village life with all its perspectives through my experience.
       1)  SWIMMING
  Today my 9 year old son asked me for a swimming class.I curiously asked him why he wanted to join swimming class.He told me that his friend has joined that.
 I neglected and gone 2/3 days.He didn't forget and insisted to spare some time for him.At last I promised him  affirmatively.After completing some formalities one day I took him to the class.
        It was a large swimming pool.The blueish ,clean looking water and so called trainers.....all looked perfect.I introduced
my son to the trainer.He took him to the pool.My son who was so excited earlier, started to shout out of fear.He tried to run
away from him.He again caught him.I too got angry for my son's behaviour and in a flash of moments ,I remembered Kashinath  Appa.
 Gangapur,a beautiful village with a population of less than 2000, surrounded by
lush green huge trees.My school was 1.5 km from my home.Actually school is a place where raw stones are shaped into beautiful idols.But  I never loved it.It was a place of constant fear for me,a place of tension where teachers were always ready with their sticks to punish even for small mistakes.The dullards like me were always to the front of attack.But it's remoteness from the village,the trees like berry, tamarind around it and a small lake beside it attracted every child.We used to throw stones using our full skills not to allow it to disappear in water suddenly.They jumped on water surface many times like frogs before going into it. Sometimes we sailed paper boats which would go swimming with the breeze.
  12:30 to 2:30 was lunch break.It was the happiest period of school time.As soon as the bell rang,our gang used to gather under a tree for lunch. Swallowing the rotis and chutney mixed with oil, we kept the oil stained cloth i.e.our tiffin in which rotis were kept in our  pocket and ran towards Kashinath Appa's well for swimming.                                                                             Balya,Appya, Gundya,Bhartya,  Parkashya,Pintya,   Dagdya,Bapya,Narsya ,Ilasya and so many other friends ran without having a sip of water after meal towards Kashinath Appa's well as if it is a bus and we will miss it if not reached in time.
Ilasya(Vilas) was our boss.He was weaker by one leg due to polio but so strong.We had to follow his orders.We  had to  share  with   him whatever we got like berries,guavas,groundnuts,tamarins,cucumbers,gooseberries,moong, honey and everything.We used to steal these things from the farms of other farmers.Doing so was considered as the sign of bravery.
We had to carry him on our shoulders.If someone disobeyed,he would tell all to boycott him.
 The well was half a kilometre from the school.The stream flowing beside it made a melodious sound. It was surrounded by some trees.Their branches hanging over the water.The well was always full of water.Sometimes water overflew it.There were no stairs.The branches of the trees helped us to come out of the water.
 That day also we went running towards the well barefoot.We removed our clothes including underpants ,to keep them dry and not to leave any clue of swimming and jumped happily into water.Some were climbing the branches of the trees and jumping into water.Diving, splashing water at one another, dipping and dragging....! Our joy knew no bounds.We forgot the school.The surrounding silence was disturbed by the screams , whistles and shouts.
Suddenly the shouts were stopped.I heard
'No,no Appa ,please don't beat us.We will not come again to swim'.Some others disappeared with a lightning speed.I understood the matter.Appa had brought a big stick and was beating mercilessly whomever his eyes fell on.I ,with my brother ,got an idea and took a long dip.When we came back for breath we got relieved as Appa was not there.He was running to catch the boys who escaped from his beating.Meanwhile we came out and searched for our clothes.They were not there.Appa had collected all the clothes and thrown them into the well.He might have used a big stone to help them to go down quickly and not to come back again.No one dared to utter a word for their clothes.The priority was saving themselves from Appa's beating.
I too ,with my brother hid in nearby crops.Everything was silent.I remembered Appa talking to one of our teachers the day before yesterday.He was telling him about our lunchtime activity.'I am a simple man.If someone drowns ,you and all will blame me'
   Hundreds of questions were coming to my mind.'What if Appa tells to teacher?What if he tells our father?What about our bags?'Anyhow punishment from the teachers and father was fixed.And...and how to go home without clothes?If some girl from my class sees what will...oh noo....!
   Any how ,still there was half an hour for  the school to be closed.I must reach home in time.We made our way to home through crops, sometimes hiding behind the trees and behind the bushes.We were completely naked.We reached home.Father was sitting in the porch.We decided to wait till he goes out.We,from the backside of our home ,climbed the wall and sat on the metal sheets i.e.the roof.Father heard the sound,came out and saw us sitting naked on iron sheets which were still hot due to the heat of the sun and burning our seats. He angrily called us down.We told all the story.He took his shoes and bet us still he felt tired.
I couldn't hear my son who was crying as a was also crying.I returned to my senses as he  shook me.He was telling 'Pappa, I don't want to swim'
